Sunday, March 9, 2025

Scientology's "Long Now"

The Florida court case from 2007 known as "Mecca Multimedia, Inc. v. Kurzbard" (which despite its names had nothing to do with Scientology) was about the difficulties of trying to deliver a subpoena to sue someone who didn't want to be sued.
History is repeating itself with the current attempts to sue David Miscavige for aiding and abetting slavery, rape, pet killings etc.

David Miscavige's Golden Age of Administration is said to be the culmination of the "Golden Age of Technology". The final component in the grand equation for planetary clearing. Very soon now, it's really going to start happening?
However the official website of the Flag Land Base hasn't been updated in over 4 years (December 2020)

Welcome to the FSO

The Flag Building is at the heart of a vast Scientology complex in Clearwater, Florida. Over 50 buildings together form the Flag Land Base, including:
* The Oak Cove, a 13-story luxury hotel for wealthy cult members.
* The Fort Harrison, an original luxury hotel that was turned into a secure base in the 1970s, renovated in 2009. You can still stay there if you have enough money and get approved by the membership organziation.
* The Coachman Building, a historical building that was renovated in 2014. Used for extensive indoctrination of over 1000 Sea Org members.
* The Clearwater Building was opened in 2015. The former bank now contains a "public information center". Other outposts nearby also highlight programs designed to appear as charitable organizations, including fake human rights efforts, "morals" promotion (compliance of governments to Scientology control), criminal reform, and simulated disaster relief programs.
Adjacent to the Flag Building is an empty lot set aside for the future L. Ron Hubbard Hall, where thousands of Scientologists will attend mass rallies celebrating the leadership. That is now the focus of a big fundraising effort.

Scientology's "Long Now"

The Florida court case from 2007 known as "Mecca Multimedia, Inc. v. Kurzbard" (which despite its names had nothing to do with Sci...