Saturday, February 26, 2022

Is physics simple or complex?

Complexity is absurdly simple to generate.
Imagine a checkerboard 10 x 10 rows wide. If you added up all the possible ways that game-pieces of just one color could be placed on that checkerboard, and created one checkerboard for each possibility, the field of boards would stretch wider than the solar system.

Our universe is ABSURDLY complex.
The most powerful supercomputers can't really simulate all the variables of a single quark interaction. Or even the quantum fluctuations in a cubic nanometer of empty space.

The question is whether the laws of the universe are also absurdly complex. No one can say.
For example, the ratio of the strength of the electromagnetic force to the strength of the gravitational force is a rather biggish number.
It's not an exact ratio; there are many digits beyond the decimal point. The question is whether this number of digits is absurdly large or even infinite. Answering that question would lead to the next big breakthrough.

The laws of physics seem to start out simple enough.
According to Scientology scriptures, these laws were "invented" almost casually by thetans many ages ago, as some type of game.
According to standard metaphysics, these laws emerge as elegant patterns within inconceivably vast mathematical structures.

Scientists currently have no clue whether the strengths of the various forces of nature are even related to each other. If they are completely unrelated, their ratios may well require infinite digits to describe.
If the laws of physics governing every interaction in the universe require infinite information, then the future is even more unpredictable than we thought.
Reality will only get more complex without end, and any order that we perceive in nature is purely illusionary.

And that would rule out L. Ron Hubbard's notion that the universe is a simple virtual construction.

1 comment:

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