Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The one reason why everything sucks

Maybe it's not the only problem, but it's the thing that's blocking the solution to every problem.
It can be stated in many ways that are all true, but none are defined enough.
The problem is that to solve problems, you have to learn new things. You have to change yourself by becoming somewhat smarter.
And learning is a pain in the brain.
This pain even prevents itself from being analyzed or talked about. It's just too painful

L. Ron Hubbard wrote (and talked even more) about some aspects of education.
Education is difficult for the same reason that work is difficult.
The problem of life is that there's never enough time, even on the rare occasions it seems there is. 99 percent of a task is often the last 1 percent of the task.

And in those rare cases that time does not pass too fast, it passes much too slowly (which is why dieting is impossible).
By now some readers may be blaming what Hubbard called the Reactive Mind, a concept vague enough that it's actually a good metaphor. It's completely unscientific, but the first step when dealing with the unknown is to give it a name.

Science is great at figuring out weak signals, hidden interactions, elaborate puzzles made of many elements.
The shape of messenger molecules, strange forces you can never feel, incomprehensible constants to uncountable decimal places. All reductionism: molecular, biochemical, organic, systemic patterns repeating mechanically.
These are also things Hubbard made fun of in passing, without knowing much or anything about them.
But he was right about one thing. There really is something wrong with science.

The solution to the type of pains we encounter during forced study or work or dieting (if a solution can be found) would involve as-yet undreamed degrees of mental manipulation, something to do with action cycles at the core of awareness. It might require drug-like effects or actual amnesia or hypnotic drugs.
Like education, it would involve changing the mind.

Hubbard came up with "Study Technology" to try to do that.
It's about as slow as any study method, but has the advantage of being a rigid linear process. It doesn't have many of the usual stressors of mainstream education, with no direct pressure from teachers.
Scientology has the rule of no evaluation or invalidation. They are of course world-class hypocrites about the application, but in theory that's a really good idea.
Often, when trying to change someone's mind, the most useless thing you can do is give a suggestion or other opinion. Maybe not if the idea seems original or revolutionary enough, but that is rare.

Educators need a way to transfer information even if the student doesn't want to be there.
No one even seems to care about this subject. Almost no progress is being made, save for a few insights, like not praising skills but completed work effort.

I have always wanted to accelerate technological progress in the hope of escaping this reality. A few people like Elon Musk give the appearance of trying.
But maybe we've been going all wrong about it.
The foundation of future progress may not be technological, but in human mind research.
Making people smarter won't involve altering their brains, but seamlessly linking their minds with intelligent software. I've been doing my part by thinking and writing about the subject of mind backup technology.
It all boils down to finding a way to make more time.

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